Social Justice

Fighting Racism, White Supremacy and Climate Change: Introduction to Old Ship’s Social Justice Ministry

At Old Ship Church, we envision a society where we all work to dismantle racism and oppression, co creating a socially just world that works for everyone. In pursuit of that vision, the Social Justice Council at Old Ship leads and coordinates our social justice ministry. We have three primary goals for social justice work in the parish. First, we educate the congregation and the community on social justice issues through forums, movies, and book discussions. Second, we provide opportunities for our members and congregants to advocate for policies and laws that help to create the beloved community. Third, we coordinate opportunities to serve others who need our help and support.

In 2021, the congregation approved the Social Justice Council’s recommendation that our social justice focus be on issues of racism, dismantling white supremacy, and climate justice. These issues remain the focus of our work. Additionally, we continue to support specific projects and outreach related to serving others in our community.

The Social Justice Council supported the creation of a task force to examine “Widening the Circle of Concern,” a report issued in June 2020 from the UUA Commission of Institutional Change. This Commission was charged “to conduct an audit of the power structures and analyze systemic racism and white supremacy within the Unitarian Universalist Association.” The report makes findings and recommendations regarding the problems of racism and white supremacy within Unitarian Universalism. The report itself is grounded in the premise that our faith is calling us “into living the fullness of the theology we inherit and proclaim.” The report is available on the UUA website at The Commission on Institutional Change | The Task Force reviewed the report and issued a final report related to how we at Old Ship might create a more welcoming and diverse community. That report is available here.

The Social Justice Council meets regularly throughout the church year, usually on Zoom. Everyone is invited to join us in this work. To receive information about our meetings, contact the Social Justice Council chair.