Meeting House:
90 Main Street
Hingham, MA 02043

14 Main Street
Hingham, MA 02043
P: 781-749-1679

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 2:00pm
Summer Office Hours (July & August):
Tuesday & Thursday 9am – 12 PM

Please note: the office is located at 14 Main Street, a separate building from the Old Ship Church.


Leadership Contacts

If you are interested in getting involved with or have questions about any of our current initiatives, please contact our Parish Administrator, Lisa Beck, by phone at (781) 749-1679 or by email at, to receive contact information for the the relevant person listed below.

Advocating for a Better World

Support the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Davalene Cooper
Support the UU Urban Ministry
Davalene Cooper
Support UU the Vote
Elie Handleman
Maintain a Social Justice Action Alert Network
Davalene Cooper
Anti-Racism and Dismantling White Supremacy
Davalene Cooper

Candlelight Concert Series

Christopher Sullivan

Life Learning

Ralph Brown
Davalene Cooper
Joe Cusker
Rich Elliott
Judi Flaherty
Dennis Hogan
Rev. Carie Johnsen
Jennifer Lincoln
Claire Petrie
Elizabeth Torrey
Nina Wellford

Serving Others

Father Bill’s Meals
Brenda Black
Anderson Veterans Home Lunches
Davalene Cooper
Support for Hingham Food Pantry
Kate Philbin
Support the South Shore Friends of the Homeless
Davalene Cooper
Monthly Outreach Special Plate Collections
Davalene Cooper

Social Justice Council

Davalene Cooper

Nurturing Community

Pastoral Care Leadership Team
Joan Wilson
Religious Education
Chair is vacant, Board Liaison is Trish McAleer
Chair is vacant, Board Liaison is Elaine Cusker
Christopher Nickelson-Mann, Music Director | 781-749-1679 |
Sharon Prehn
Merrie Market
Dave Petrie
Spring Plant Sale
Janice McPhillips or Brenda Black
Congregational Dinners
Clayton Handleman or Janice McPhillips

Other committees not listed above:

Worship and Music
Jesse Flaherty
Communications Committee
Nina Wellford
Finance Committee/Stewardship Council
Clayton Handleman
Building and Grounds
Chair is vacant, Board Liaison is Janice McPhilllips
Friends of the Meeting House
Nina Wellford
Memorial Garden
Carol Valentine
Grant-Seeking Team
Ron Pollara
Unitarian Universalist Association Affairs
Eva Marx and Ralph Brown
Committee on Shared Ministry
Janet Asnes
Committee On Transition Ministry
Rob Baynes, Rubin Fitz-Marquez, Chris Johnson, Caitlin Gibson, Sarah Corey Swett, and Myrah West. For questions, reach out to