Serving Others
One aspect of our social justice ministry at Old Ship is to engage in activities that serve others, especially those suffering from food insecurity or lack of adequate housing. Here are some specific activities. Please let us know if you would like to help with any of these projects by contacting the specific person coordinating the specific project – those contacts can all be found here.
We support six cooking teams that provide full dinner meals for those served by the Father Bill’s Shelter in Quincy. Each group makes dinner for the shelter four times during the year. Each cooking team serves approximately 150 people. Click here to contact the current Old Ship coordinator to get involved.
We are part of a Hingham community wide interfaith effort to provide six lunches twice a week (Tuesday and Friday) to the Anderson Veterans Home on Fort Hill Street in Hingham. Lunch consists of a deli-meat sandwich, chips, fresh fruit, cookie or brownie, and water or juice. Individuals volunteer to provide lunches and drop them off by noon on the days we are assigned. Currently, we provide lunches during the month of October. Click here to contact the current Old Ship coordinator to get involved.
We collect food as part of our Sunday morning services and hope our collection will increase as more people return to the Meeting House following Covid. Sometimes we have designated specific Sundays for a food drive for the pantry—requesting specific food items. Click here to contact the current Old Ship coordinator to get involved.
For many years, we have prepared and served the meal for a holiday dinner serving those living in shelters or temporary housing through the South Shore Friends of the Homeless (SSFH). This is a Board of Trustees event with help from the Social Justice Council.
We participate in SSFH’s holiday gift program. We adopt families that are either currently living in shelters or have just moved into more permanent housing. We generally purchase around 110 gifts for about 35-40 individuals. Click here to contact the current Old Ship coordinator to get involved.