
Rev. Carie Johnsen

Office hours: 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Thursdays, and other times by appointment.
Office telephone: 781-749-1679

Rev. Johnsen (she, her) joined Old Ship Church on Aug. 1, 2024, as its contract minister for the church year of 2024-2025.

She brings to ministry her experiences as an empathetic and compassionate chaplain. Her approach to worship arts is grounded in Unitarian Universalist values, and enlivened with storytelling and ritual.

Rev. Johnsen received a master’s degree in divinity (MDiv) from Harvard Divinity School. She was ordained as a Unitarian Universalist minister in 2009 by her home congregation, First Parish Brewster (Mass.) Unitarian Universalist, and her teaching congregation, First Parish Duxbury (Mass.) Unitarian Universalist.

Following her ordination, she spent 12 years as the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Community Church in Augusta, Maine. In 2022, she completed a clinical chaplain residency at the Veterans Administration Healthcare System in Pittsburgh, PA. For the past two years, she has been serving as a behavior health and forensic chaplain at Taunton (Mass.) State Hospital and hospice chaplain at HopeHealth, a provider of hospice and related care in Providence, RI.
In Augusta, Rev. Johnsen became an interfaith leader, public speaker, and advocate on issues ranging from sensible drug policy, immigration, reproductive health, Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ justice, economic inequality, sensible gun ownership, and healthcare. Her commitment to advocacy and action is evident in her speaking truth to injustice in the pulpit, at rallies and marches, and in the State House influencing policy development or testifying before legislative committees.

Rev. Johnsen was co-founder and collaborator of the Decolonizing Faith project with Maine Wabanaki REACH. This project engaged Maine clergy and congregations with the following question: “What is required of faith communities to understand and repair the harms done by the colonization of this nation, the domination of its indigenous peoples, and the lasting effects of those processes on native people today?”

Rev. Johnsen is the parent of two adult sons, Justin and Mo. She is grandmother to Keegan, Layla, Alivia, Micheal, and Conor. She is passionate about living well and reducing her carbon footprint with whole food plant-based living. This lifestyle has become a spiritual practice of caring for the well-being of herself, humanity, other beings, and the planet.
She is most grounded in her kitchen, cooking up delicious food. She feels closest to the land in her ancestral home – Gwynfe, Wales. She lives in Pawtucket, RI, with her two long-haired Himalayan cats – Guy and Blue.